invented holiday造句


  1. At first an inside joke between two friends, the holiday gained exposure when Bauer and Summers sent a letter about their invented holiday to the American syndicated humor columnist Dave Barry in 2002.
  2. And if the Boston Globe and Germany's Der Spiegel had similar articles exploring how this holiday has gained a following, and maybe some scholar at CUNY writes a great article for a sociology journal using IBPD as a test-case for how invented holidays can spread virally and gain ground, then " those " would be some great points of evidence.
  3. Meredith Blake, writing for the " Los Angeles Times ", found that television Christmas episodes generally tended to bring " an awkward shift in tone : All of a sudden, everyone's being nice to each other . " She also complained about the invented holiday, which she found to be an overused clich?of Christmas programming : " See also :'Chrismukkah'or'Festivus .'" Mark Graham of " New York " magazine opined that the three plots in " Secret Santa " could not be considered as " A-material " for " 30 Rock ".
  4. It's difficult to find invented holiday in a sentence. 用invented holiday造句挺难的


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